Vacancies in Öhringen
Job vacancies
As a young team, we have no time and no interest in rigid hierarchies and conventional leadership styles. That is why our recruitment in Öhringen explicitly aims to find team players as reinforcement for whom team spirit and fun on the job every day are not just empty phrases. We are looking for committed employees who are capable of bringing themselves and our
team forward with their professional know-how, motivation and initiative. In addition to the pure deskwork, we also like to meet with our colleagues for a round of table football during
our breaks or to take lunch together. Small gifts are not something for Christmas at TOBSTEEL, but also for in between times. Our motivation is a driving force both inside and outside
the company. Does all of this sound very interesting to you? Well, we promise, it will be! Just take a look at this page to see if there are any current positions to be filled at TOBSTEEL in Öhringen.
And even if there aren’t, we always look forward to receiving Open applications!
Positions in Distribution and Sales in Öhringen
We love extremes. Our playing field is the raw climate on oilrigs or in harbours, the extreme forces exerted in civil engineering, or the especial hygiene requirements in the food industry.
We are a leading specialist for stainless steels and special materials. Our core skill lies in trading highest quality connecting elements that lie apart from the standard. Challenges are our everyday life and fun at work is our motivation to make something better out of something good. We at TOBSTEEL are always looking for experts for fill positions in Distribution and Sales
in Öhringen to add strength to our TOBteam. Are you multilingual and can imagine managing a sales territory in other European countries from our headquarters in Öhringen?
Then you are in exactly the right place in the Sales Team at TOBSTEEL.
Jobs in logistics
Selling our goods at home and abroad is not enough. The TOBteam can only work successfully if our administration and logistics work hand in hand. What distinguishes us from the rest of the market is our extremely large stock of special materials in every corrosion resistance class. Whether in Incoming Goods, the Weighing Station, in Quality Control or Outgoing Goods: we live up to high standards and guarantee the quality of our products at all times. On a current warehouse space of 12,500 m² covers 14,500 pallet spaces and an automatic small parts warehouse with more than 15,000 bin spaces.
A further area of some 12,000 m² is also available for expanding our storage capacity if required.